Loxo and Gong can interact in two ways:
- Adding Gong call recordings to Loxo minisites allows you to easily share context on conversations, and give a reminder of what was discussed earlier in the deal.
- Feeding back Loxo minisite engagement data into Gong allows you to have an accurate view of when your prospect is engaging with your Loxo minisite from within the Gong deal activity interface.
Adding Gong call recordings to Loxo minisites
Once Gong has been connected, you can add a Gong call recording to your minisite by selecting the Gong call recording block in the block picker:

Once the block has been added, you are able to select a call from your recent calls to embed.

Feeding back Loxo minisite engagement data into Gong
Once Gong has been connected, it is possible under certain circumstances to feed back minisite engagement data into Gong. For this to work, the following conditions must be met:
- A Deal must exist within Gong with an associated Salesforce Opportunity.
- The Salesforce Opportunity must have a Contact for each person who is viewing the minisite
- The minisite must be set up to capture email addresses of visitors (verified or unverified) — this email address is used to associate the engagement with the correct Opportunity in Salesforce, which allows Gong to show the engagement in the right Deal.
When the conditions are met, visits to the minisite show up in the Gong activity tab: